Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Report 1:
Lately i had been quite concentrate with my dad's company, but troubles keep coming and i feel so tired. The most freaks-me-out incident was the 100tonnes story, i bet you all knew from facebook. I'm just worried that the back charge will be damn a lot for the first month of new project at OUG.

Report 2:
Sister just came back from Bali. One word: tempting. Vacations are the best.
I heard from ken that he chat with Wai Yee few days ago. Wai Yee considering come back malaysia around october for vacation break. Time to plan tonnes of nice trip?
But don't know when sohai heng will be back to join us for some fun.

Report 3:
Got my hair cut last week, just little bit of trimming. But ends up the hair not curly nor either straight enough. Wonder why the perming chemical can be that strong for them to maintain so long. Waiting until end of the year only decide what style i should do with my hair. Time really flies, i kept my perms for more than one year.
But then i realize boys doesn't pay attention to girl's hair changes, other than if the hair cut until very short at once or suddenly did extension or put on some wigs.
Conclusion: We do our hair just to please ourselves.

Report 4:
Now i know what i'm going to do for raya holidays, house cleaning. My mom was so nervous that my bro-in-law's parent coming for visit next month. And she wants our house to be more presentable. I don't think so i will keep doing the same thing for a few days. So please call me out yumcha, if not i will bored to death. Even staying at home for one nice saturday i feel furious as well. Zzzz.

1 comment:

  1. =.= i got notice kay~ most of the time also i notice people did their hair.. or changed glasses,, or new belt or new shoes.. i learnt alot during my past experiences.. helps to be attentive
