Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Went to pet shop to buy my dog's cookies and new water bottle today. Saw a hamster half way giving birth to those tiny pink creatures. It looks funny though cause the baby hamster can't go all the way out and the mommy hamster keep running around. They really keep giving birth cause i saw another badge of mini hamster which already coated with fur and playing aside their mom.

I kept hamster before, two of them when i was 10. But that time the pet's equipment doesn't appear to be stylish and functional. I still remember the time i really put on some bath for the 2 hamster, luckily they didn't die half way from the bath. Now there's this bathing sand and bathing room (which look like soap container), specially made for hamster selling in shops now. When my time, they still don't have tunnel shaped cage for hamster to run around, what i had was just steel bar cage. My "deceased" hamster everyday climb on to the bar, up side down and keep biting the steel to sharpen their teeth.

They died after i kept them for a year. Quite a short life for them. But they really serve their purpose. If someone hold them with "unfriendly aura", they either bite the fingers or shit on the palm. They are quite sensitive towards human who hold them.

Looking into pet shop's hamster makes me feel like wanna keep them again. But i have to prepare upcoming breeding for my dog next year and till that time my house will have to take care 2 dogs, my current shih tzu and one of his son/daughter.

Honestly i'm quite a pet lover, what ever i saw in pet shops i hope i can keep them in my house, no matter it was rabbits, hermit crabs, fish, cats, sugar gliders and etc. But!! Except cold blooded snakes, iguanas, scorpions and spiders. I'm very afraid of reptiles and insects.
Typical, i like fluffy with fur and warm creatures.

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